Helping at home
Starting school is a big step but not just for the children! Watching your child grow and move in to school life is both exciting and daunting.
Our partnership with you is a vital part of your child's learning and development. The best way to support your child is to promote their independence and their self-esteem! Children benefit enormously from being able to manage themselves and their belongings for example:
- Dressing and undressing - beginning to learn how to fasten fiddly buttons and zips, putting shoes on the correct feet and putting on their own coat, all help.
- Recognising their own name - Capital letter at the beginning and the rest in lowercase. Knowing that your clothes and shoes are all labelled when getting changed for PE helps enormously!
- Going to the toilet independently - flushing the toilet and washing hands using soap afterwards.
These are just a few suggestions to aid in the first big steps into school life.
We look forward to working with you and your children.