

Computing an integral part of everyday life as it has links with maths, science and design technology and plays a significant part in our children’s futures. The aim of the curriculum is to build an understanding of how computers work and how they can be used in pupils’ lives – both in their future employment and in enabling them to be active 21st Century global citizens. The Computing curriculum develops both skills and knowledge and our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which ensures that pupils become digitally literate and digitally resilient. Children are taught computer science which includes coding in KS1 using floor and screen turtles to Scratchat KS2. They learn about programming, data, algorithms and networks to enable them to develop an understanding of the principles of computer science and computational thinking. There is also a focus on problem solving – using logic and ideas about systems, patterns and associated pattern languages, abstraction and decomposition.

The curriculum puts a clear emphasis on three areas of learning:

  1. Computer science: how computers work and how to write algorithms and solve problems to eventually create a computer program.

  2. Information technology: how data is represented and managed on computers.

  3. Digital literacy: how to understand digital information and interact with it safely and appropriately.

All children are given the opportunity to access the curriculum at their level and are provided with the resources required to enhance their understanding. 


Computing is taught using the 2014 National Curriculum as its basis. To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in computing, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. In EYFS, computing is covered in the ‘Technology’ section of Understanding the World and is delivered through continuous provision. Children in nursery and reception have the opportunity to play games, draw pictures, move mechanical objects and use technology to deepen their own understanding of computing.

We encourage children to develop their confidence in using computers in real-world contexts by giving them a range of web apps that they can access at home. This will enable them to practice the skills that they have learned in a wide range of contexts and will also support staff in their professional development so that the risk of deskilling is reduced. 

To implement the curriculum we use Chromebooks (including for remote learning) and ipads

We also use the following software/web apps: Google Suite for Educators, Times Tables Rockstar and Numbots.


Our Computing Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression and build on / embed skills. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different computational components and, like other subjects, discreet vocabulary progression froms part of the units of work. Children are assessed each term in line with all other non-core subjects. Staff evidence progress through Pupil Voice and dedicated subject leader time with opportunities for dialogue between teachers.