Assessment in the Early Years

By the end of their Foundation year in school, it is expected that each child reaches the ‘Early Learning Goals’ (see Statutory Framework link). Children are tracked through the year using what they write down and record, through careful observation of what they can do, how they interact with others and how they explain what they know.

Each child has portfolio containing work from their learning journey and a writing book which show examples of ways they have been working and what they have achieved. At Cheadle Heath we value the relationship with families and encourage parents and carers to share ‘Wow Moments’ with us to contribute to their child’s learning journey via the individual class dojo portfolio.

At the end of the EYFS year, the EYFS Profile Assessment completes the picture of everything the children have learnt and are able to do. This is reported to parents and carers in the annual report so that parents and carers know if their child is at the age-related expectation.

You can read more about Reception Baseline Assessment here.