A Cheadle Heath EYFS Parent/Carer

At Cheadle Heath Primary School, we wholeheartedly welcome parents /carers into our setting as we believe that this partnership working will provide the best start to a child’s journey through their early year’s education.  

We promote this is a number of ways; 

  • A number of transition activities including an introduction to forest school and two ‘Mouse Club’ sessions for children and parents before children start school; 

  • Half termly ‘stay and play’ sessions – come stay and play with your child in the classroom, see what they like to do at school, speak with staff and look at your child’s learning wall; 

  • Updated parent notice board outside the classroom; 

  • Shared learning goals: mini personal targets which both school and home will work on together – such as using cutlery and fastening their own shoes;

  • Weekly round up – current learning is shared on class dojo

  • Parent information such as dates for your diary and how you can get involved with your child’s learning are included in the year group Curriculum Newsletter

  • Parent information sessions such as an introduction to Phonics, Transition to Year 1

  • Parents evening twice a year 

  • Regular learning is posted on Class Story, our class blog.