
At Cheadle Heath we believe that Physical Education experienced in a safe and supportive environment is a vital element in a pupil’s physical and emotional development. High quality Physical Education also promotes pupil health and contributes to our whole school ethos. Physical Education focuses on the physical well-being of the child and also contributes significantly to the personal, cognitive, creative and social child. As such, it is important that all children are given a broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum in school; access to a range of extra- curricular activities and competitive experiences and that pathways are provided into club and community settings for sustained engagement. We believe that Physical Education and School Sport can have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children. 


Our curriculum offers pupils a broad and balanced programme using Schemes of Work developed from a range of resources. Currently, we offer 120 minutes of Physical Education at KS1 and KS2. (Qualified coaches support the delivery of some curriculum areas). A PE specialist provides curriculum support for staff to aid, develop and sustain the delivery of high-quality Physical Education. The school has access to further INSET through the Stockport Schools Health, Activity, PE and Sport Alliance (SHAPES).

PE Curriculum

At Key Stage 1 children are taught fundamental movement skills which improve their agility, stamina, speed and strength. They have the opportunity to partake in a variety of co-operative and competitive activities with the focus mainly on developing their physical abilities while introducing the concepts of teamwork, tactics and playing to rules.

At Key Stage 2 the focus shifts to developing pupils' understanding of games/activities and allowing them to apply skills into game situations. Pupils are also encouraged to look at their performance and that of others and begin to recognise how they can improve. Both Key Stage 1 and 2 children are taught invasion games, gymnastics, dance, fitness, net games, athletics, outdoor activities and striking & fielding games.

All children in KS1 and KS2 take part in inter-school competitions where they represent their year group in a sporting activity. This ensures that all children have the opportunity to access competitive sport on a regular basis.

Year 3, 4 and 5 pupils attend swimming lessons throughout the year. It is the school’s expectation that children will meet the national curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 


We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities for all pupils. We consult with them when planning the programme using questionnaires and the Sports Council representatives. We aim to offer all children the opportunity to:-

  • participate in a wider variety of physical activities

  • develop more advanced skills in specific sports

  • take part in intra and inter school competitions

Our school teams have a proud record of regular and successful participation in inter-school competitive sports tournaments.  Many of these are organised locally by the Stockport Schools’ Sports Partnership (SSSP) and by the Stockport Primary Schools South Area Sports Association (SPSSA). 

We are grateful for the enthusiasm and commitment of our school staff in managing and organising various school teams and for giving their time voluntarily to take pupils to tournaments and competitions.


Upper Key Stage two children will have the opportunity to train as Sports Ambassadors and organise inter-school sports festivals throughout the year. Sports Ambassadors will play a key role in encouraging participation by organising Challenge Weeks/festivals/events for all pupils to get involved in and promoting their activities through assemblies and displays.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle

We have implemented active lunchtimes in order to raise activity levels. Our active lunchtimes encourage all our pupils to be active daily and offers a broad range of sporting activities beyond the school day.


We aim to offer Level 1 (intra-class) and Level 2 (inter-school) competitive opportunities to all our pupils. We access a wide range of competitions in our local area, hosted at high schools, primary schools and local community club sites. Pupils from Year 1-6 have the opportunity to represent their school in inter school leagues, tournaments and festivals.


We help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. We equip our children with the necessary skills and a love for sport. We have been awarded the School Games Gold Award for the past four years after working hard to develop pupil leadership and have been awarded the ‘Stockport Inspirational Commitment to PE’ Award by the Local Authority.

Click here for further information about Sports Premium Funding.