30 Hours Funded Childcare

Cheadle Heath Primary Offers 30 Hours Free Childcare
All families with a 3 and 4 year old child are eligible for the universal offer of free early education – term time only - of up to 15 hours a week. Some children will be eligible for extended childcare which is up to 30 hours a week term time (extra 15 hours in addition to the universal offer). The entitlement to 30 hours free childcare is intended to support working parents with the cost of childcare and enable parents, where they wish, to return to work or to work additional hours.
How to apply
Apply for the 15 hours universal funding through Stockport Council Website.
The 30 hours place can be applied for via the childcare choices website. If you are eligible for the extra hours you will need to provide school with the code and we will allocate the additional hours if they are available.
You can register and apply for your 30 hour code through the Government Childcare Choices website.
Register and apply for a childcare service account through the Childcare Choices website above. If eligible, you will be issued with a code which you need to send to school and renew on a termly basis.
Following confirmation of the 30 hours, we will then allocate 30 hour places if available. Please be aware that we offer a limited number of 30 hour places.
Tax-Free Childcare
Tax free childcare is a UK wide government scheme to help working parents with the cost of childcare. For parents to apply for 30 hours free childcare they will need to open a childcare service account. This is a single online application for both 30 hours and tax free childcare. More information can be found by clicking here.
The Online Portal
Parents can apply for both Tax Free Childcare and 30 hour free childcare through a joint application system which, because the criteria are similar, will avoid the need to provide the same information twice
Parents will be expected to inform HM Revenue and Customs of any change in circumstance that may affect their eligibility
Shared care
You can find details of all Stockport early years and childcare provision by clicking here. You can search on the bar at the top for your nearest provider via entering your postcode or by provider type. You can then contact them direct to ask about availability.
You can find information regarding services available for children, young people and adults in Stockport by clicking here.