Our Early Years Outdoor Classroom

We recognise that children are happier and healthier when they have regular opportunities to play and learn outdoors in an area where they are able to problem solve, collaborate, explore and imagine. As such, we have developed a fantastic outdoor learning area for our EYFS children. This outdoor classroom is a key area for our learners, ensuring they have regular access to resources that help them to develop physically, mentally and socially whilst building the foundations for a lifelong connection with the outdoors.

We created a bespoke curriculum which is linked to outdoor learning so that our learners regularly spend time outdoors in the new, carefully constructed outdoor classroom. At the centre of the area is a fixed climbing zone aimed to develop core strength through climbing, jumping, balance and coordination. There is extensive grass flooring, a large texture kitchen equipped with a range of containers, cutlery, pots and pans enabling children to create their own food and drink and a pulley system to allow them to gather resources. As well as a large digging pit filled with soil which is accessed via a stile, there is a water wall with funnels, wheels and cogs to allow children to move the water in different directions. A hobbit hole allows for quiet reading and relaxation and the performance area allows children to perform, dance, tell jokes and entertain their audience. Three planters allow children to grow fruit and vegetables year round and a large construction area allows them to explore with life sized resources, creating new small world areas. Our outdoor classroom is a well resourced, safe, happy learning environment where children thrive.

Click on the images below and scroll through the gallery to see what awaits your child when they step inside the Early Years at Cheadle Heath Primary.