Active Travel
A School Travel Plan is a document produced by an educational establishment that promotes sustainable ways for the whole school community to travel to and from school. It encourages walking, cycling, car sharing and public transport and aims to reduce the number of car journeys.
Cheadle Heath Primary School Travel Plan is updated annually and includes a number of initiatives undertaken by the school to promote active travel:
Bikeability is the ‘cycling proficiency’ test for the 21st century, designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads. Each year, pupils in Year 5 at Cheade Heath Primary School carry out Bikeabilty training both on site as well as in and around the residential roads of Cheadle Heath.
Big Pedal and Walk to School Initiatives
Each year Cheade Heath Primary participates in the 'Walk to School' and the month long 'Big Pedal' National initiatives to encourage children to actively travel to school. During this years Big Pedal event we had 94.8% of our children walking, cycling and scooting to school.
Public Transport
If possible, the school uses public transport for school trips or we walk if it is a local trip.
If you would like to learn more about what Cheadle Heath Primary School does to promote Active Travel, please take a look at our travel plan or contact the school and speak with School Business Manager, Mrs Topping.