
History, at Cheadle Heath Primary School, forms an integral part of the creative curriculum. We believe the study of history inspires children’s curiosity, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that of the wider world. The children work as historians within their overriding topic where they will be led by enquiry questions and key concepts such as continuity and change, cause and effect and significance. As historians the children will critically analyse different sources of information, ask relevant questions to deepen their understanding whilst drawing on previous knowledge and have the opportunity to enrich their experiences through well chosen class trips or visitors.We believe that studying history also helps children gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background. We have detailed below an overview of what your child will expected to learn within each key stage.

In Key Stage 1 children will develop an awareness of the past. They will learn about significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements. Children will also learn about significant historical events such as the Great Fire of London, the first flight and the sinking of the Titanic. They will also study changes within living memory (approximately 80 years) both by looking at local changes - focus on our school as well as looking at the area of Cheadle Heath and Stockport. Their learning will be placed within a chronological framework and the children will be introduced to the historical concepts  such as cause and consequence, change and significance and these will be built upon as the children continue their journey as historians through school. 

In Key Stage 2 children will continue to appreciate history in a chronological context and to build upon the concepts introduced in KS1. They will develop a secure understanding of British, local and world history. The British history curriculum at CHPS in planned chronologically to ensure the children to really gain a thorough understanding of the 'story' of our island within the 'history' curriculum. In LKS2 they begin by looking at Stone Age to Iron Age, building on the concept of change before moving on, later in Year 3 to look at the Romans and Roman Britain. In Year 4 the children will build upon their knowledge of invaders by focusing on the Anglo Saxons and this is further developed in UKS2 when they move on to focus on the Viking Invaders, the struggles for the kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor. 

In terms of world history,  in Lower Key Stage 2 the children will study all of the ancient civilisations to gain an overview and make comparisons between them before moving on to carry out an in depth study into the Ancient Egyptians. In Upper Key Stage 2 the children will look at the Ancient Greeks, their achievements and their influence on the western world. In addition to this they will also look at the Maya Civilisation as a contrasting non European society. 


In EYFS the histoy curriculum is delievered through well chosen stories which are planned in to reflect key events, celebrations b  oth in their own lives and in the wider world e.g. harvest, Black history month and Remembrance. The children in EYFS begin to address the key historical concept of change both in their own lives through looking at toys now and in the past and through looking at the lives of characters in books. Many of the sources, photographs and books that are used are put out as enhancements in the areas of learning for the children to access independently within provision. We are developing the history curriculum inline with the children's own interests. 

KS1 (A) 

Where We Live

Local history - CHPS 

Adventures on the Seas 

Sinking of the Titanic 

Seaside holidays

Changes in holidays 

KS1 (B) 

An Eye of London 

The Great Fire of London 


The First Flight

Amy Johnson 

Marvellous Monarchy 

Queen Elizabeth and Queen  Victoria 

Year 3 

Savage Stone Age 

Changes from Stone Age to Iron Age 

Rotten Romans 

The Roman Emmpire and its impact on Britain

Year 4 

Terrific Traders

Anglo Saxons invasion and Settlements 

Awful Egyptians 

Overview of the ancient civilisations and an indepth study of Ancient Egypt

UKS2 (A) 


A study of a British theme which extends beyond 1066

A local study 

Groovy Greeks

A stuudy of Greek life, the achievements and their inflluence on western world

UKS2 (B) 


The Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England

Magical Maya 

A contrasting non- european study of the ancient Mayan civilisation. 

The impact of the history curriculum is measured in a number of ways, firstly the children in KS1 have a blank knowledge organiser at the front of their topic book where the key knowldge they have gained is added after each session and important vocuabulary is noted. This is a working document for the children - in KS1 there is an enlarged blank knowledge organiser on the topic working wall which is completed collaboratively at the end of each session.

At the end of a topic the children complete an assessment task aimed at responding to the original overriding enquiry question - this may take the form of a written piece, but equally this may be an oral or practial task too. The intention of these tasks is that the children can explain their historical understandng, recall factal information and explain how we are able to know and understand the past.   

History will be assessed by the class teacher at the end of a topic using their professional judgement and knowledge of the children. Teachers will listen to children’s responses and contributions to class discussions, evaluate their written responses and consiider any support they may need. Children will have regular opportunities to take part in 'pupil voice' meetings and share work as historians.