What Learning Looks Like in the Early Years

Our Early Years Curriculum is created embracing the foundations set by the DfE's standards and is closely aligned to the Statutory Framework For The Early Years Foundation Stage, setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. As children progress through Nursery and Reception, learning opportunities increase. Each learner continues to be supported and challenged through a well designed, stimulating curriculum which caters for individual needs and abilities.

We recognise and value each child’s individual strengths, talents and diversity and seek to encourage their full potential. We embrace our children as individuals. Reception children can expect a very busy day at school! Learning takes the form of both formal lessons, including Phonics, Maths, Topic, English and learning in our classroom environment, both indoors and outdoors. In Early Years, the child is much of the curriculum which is structured to ensure children make progression, regardless of starting points. Our topic delivery is derived from a mix of children’s interests and expected knowledge; we build upon children’s current knowledge and prior learning.

Play and exploration are fundamental within our Early Years Hub. Our learning is fun and interactive and staff plan learning experiences considering both children's individual needs and achievements as well as a range of learning experiences that will support them to make progress! We aim to ignite curiosity and awe and wonder through providing hooks into learning and real/rich experiences which enhance children’s learning and engagement. This means children are able to choose activities where they can engage with other children or adults or, at times, play alone. During these activities, children learn by first-hand experiences; by actively ‘doing’ as well as through scaffolding and modelling by adults. These experiences are what we view as expected experiences, such as to see and touch real animals, observe a caterpillar life cycle, to cut and eat a range of real fruit. Children deepen their understanding by playing, talking, observing, planning, questioning, experimenting, testing, repeating, reflecting and responding to adults and each other.

Please see Class Story for further pictures of our learning in action!