Poverty Proofing the School Day

Cost of the School Day at Cheadle Heath Primary

We are committed to ensuring that every child at Cheadle Heath Primary School has equal access to all opportunities available to them, regardless of financial position, and have worked hard to identify and overcome the barriers to learning that children from families with less financial resources face.

In summer 2019, prior to the global pandemic and national lockdown when families suffered additional financial hardship, we undertook an external poverty-proofing audit which looked at many different aspects of school life.  This involved children, parents, staff and governors and, as a school, we looked at reducing the cost of the school day to ensure that all children have access to resources and activities which may cost money. It is important that our families are aware of the support that we can provide and therefore this page provides details of some of the support available. Following the Poverty Proofing Audit, we created an action plan tailored to address our school policies and practices and used the opportunity to explore the most effective way to spend our pupil premium allocation.  For further information about poverty proofing click here: http://www.povertyproofing.co.uk/

Cheadle Heath Primary School Poverty Proofing Policy

School Clothing

  • We positively promote the wearing of the school uniform to create a school identity. In addition this helps prevent ‘competition’ among pupils for the latest designer clothing/footwear.

  • The only school branded item we will pupils to wear is the school sweatshirt / cardigan which can be purchased with our logo from Monkhouses, Davemsport or Gooddies direct. Although other branded uniform items are also available, we have a flexible approach so parents can look at a range of suppliers.

  • We have ‘Pre-Loved' items available and all parents are welcome to take any items of clothing.

  • Our PE kit has no logo and we expect this to be worn for all PE lessons.

  • Any items in lost property for longer than 3 months are added to the pre loved stock.

  • If a child regularly comes to school without uniform we can provide uniform items and PE kit.

Food & Snacks

  • We support parents in completing Stockport Free School Meals application forms at enrolment and for any new pupils

  • An electronic link to Free School Meal application forms is regularly included in newsletters.

  • Office staff offer to help anyone who may need assistance completing the forms.

  • Fruit / toast is available for any child who complains of feeling hungry or may not have a snack.

  • If a child’s parents have not pre booked a lunch on Dolce's Live Kitchen, and they do not have a packed lunch, we will always provide a school lunch.

  • Where a non FSM eligible child regularly does not have lunch booked and paid for, we contact the family to discuss and cover the costs of lunch for an agreed period.

  • We provide bottles for water for those children who may not be able to bring one from home.

In The Classroom

  • We provide all stationery and other essentials in the classroom, which pupils can use at any time.

  • Pupils are not asked to write and focus on what they have done in the holidays, at weekends or out of school as this can be problematic for pupils living in poverty who may not have had as many experiences or opportunities as their peers.

Out of School Learning

  • Staff bear in mind that not all children have access to a computer, tablet or the internet when setting home learning tasks.

  • Staff bear in mind that not all children have access to resources such as arts and crafts when setting home learning tasks and will ensure that all children are given, or offered, the resources they need to complete a task.

  • We are aware that it can be difficult for parents to meet the cost of after school clubs. If this is the case, please speak in confidence to us.

Charity, Fundraising & Community

  • We keep non-uniform days / dress down days to a minimum and consider carefully the theme to ensure no additional cost to parents. These days are always donation only and no one is excluded from taking part if they do not have a donation.

  • Children are not permitted to bring electronic devices into school as they may lead to competition and stigmatisation.

  • Children are asked not to bring sweets / treats / cakes in to celebrate their birthdays as this leads to peer pressure, does not support our healthy school status and is challenging for pupils with allergies etc.

  • Christmas Party Day is scheduled on the same day as Christmas Dinner so that additional food is not necessary and pupils are not asked to bring food in from home.

  • The school disco operates a pre booked ticket system where are children are given a drink and two snacks of their choice to avoid children taking any additional money with them.

School, Trips & Activities

  • Where a trip or activity (excluding the Year 6 residential) has a cost attached, we ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards the cost. Any shortfall is met by the school but, if insufficient contributions are received, the trip may be cancelled.

  • We always give parents as much notice as we can of activities and trips to allow time to save and pay.

  • We use School Spider to pay for trips or events to ensure privacy.

  • For the Y6 residential we aim to give parents approx. 12 months to pay in order to help spread the cost. In addition, we look at any requests for financial help to support families and ensure all pupils have access to all opportunities.

  • We always liaise with families who may be facing financial difficulties and agree a payment plan which may exceed the date of the activity/event.

  • We do not operate a first come, first served with payment policy for any trip or event.

  • We never read out names of children who have not paid. If necessary the office staff will communicate directly with parents.