Meet the Staff

More people than you would expect are involved within the life of Cheadle Heath Primary School. As well as teaching staff, we employ teaching assistants, peripatetic teachers, site staff, lunchtime organisers and out-of-school care supervisors.

The staff are a very committed, friendly team and the easiest way to contact staff is by phone (0161 428 2476) or email.  Staff email addresses are [email protected] which can also be found on their class page.

As we encourage staff to have a healthy work life balance, we discourage the sending of emails outside of the traditional working day so please be mindful that emails will be responded to in due course. Where emails are received in the evening, over the weekend or during a holiday period, it is likely that a response will be given during the school’s normal working hours. Thank you in advance for your understanding in helping us to promote amongst ourselves a happy, healthy and productive workforce.